Bushmaster 450 Follower

Bushmaster 450 Follower


I tried several other Bushmaster 450 followers here. As many commented on the design by MZ23 when you open the .stl file it isn't to scale. It opens in Cura and Tinkercad 1mm x 2mm. I opened design in Tinkercad and scaled it up to match the 5.56 follower in an AR Stoner Mag. I sliced it in Cura and sent the gcode. It printed clean and it worked. The only notes I would adjust for a V2 would be the original 5.56 AR Stoner Follower allowed the spring to clip in rather than the hole on the bottom of the follower. I bent my spring with needle nose pliers to attach the spring. It works. I was able to load 7 Hornady FTX in the Mag. In a 40+ 5.56 Mag it doesn't go around the bend of the Mag. I've read this of similar issues in larger Mags. I used Snap Caps to test the cycling in the Mag in the Bushmaster 450 and the follower works great. I haven't had a chance to take it to the range to try with live rounds yet but looks like this is a great solution for using a 5.56 Mag for Bushmaster 450.







3D Printing