Blood Rage + KS1 + KS digital + All Expansions (Remix)

Blood Rage + KS1 + KS digital + All Expansions (Remix)


This is a Remix of a Remix: Remix design: Original Design: I slightly rework the remixed monster tile in order to fit an other player army in the main box This is an organizer for the boardgame Blood Rage, all of its expansions* (Gods of Asgard, Mystics of Midgard, 5th Player Expansion), and all the content from the lastest Kickstarter campaign (6th Clan, marker miniatures, new monsters). It is also compatible with sleeved cards. Note: There is NO space for the cardboard upgrades for the boards! *God of Asgard WILL NOT FIT in the main box. You will need an other small box for that. However, you can exchange that with the Monster Small as you desire. they are interchangable. 88 hrs print time with a 0.6mm nozzle, 0.32lh, 40mm/s speed Print the following: Player: 7 of these, one for each clan. Monsters Big: This one is for some monsters. This file may have some problem. However I managed to print it anyway without failings... sliced with cura Monster Small: This one is for other monsters and it is interchangable with the Gods box Gods: This one holds the Gods of Asgard expansion. (This will not fit in the main box) CardsPillage: This one holds all cards and the new pillage tokens/miniatures. Markers: This one holds all the markers for the game and is mainly used during setup. Spacer: This one is optional and used to keep the main board from shifting around.






