Knot puzzle

Knot puzzle


A nice looking small puzzle fidget, ideal to put on your desk and keep you busy during long meetings or train your kids to the world of puzzles. Several STL are provided, for all combinations of : + short (35 mm) vs long (55 mm) + square corners vs fillets + snug fit (extra space of 0.07mm) versus loose (0.2mm). You can scall it up and down as long as the 3 axis are kept proportionnal. For small kids, the 0.2 margin fit is ideal. I'd also not recommend the squared model as the corners could hurt them. For the snug fit : * I recommend small layers (not more than 0.2mm) and low speed to respect measures. Be sure that your slicer will respect the exact height of the pieces by enabling adaptative layers * *Pay great attention to elephant foot effect*, this is the main reason why the pieces will be hard to assemble. Tune the compensation in your slicer (better off with more than usual). No sanding required. After the print, it might seem hard to put in place. You might have to introduces all three blocks in any other compatible blocks a few time and in all directions and symetries so that edges and imperfections get worn off. If it still hard, sand/cut the edges as the faces should be OK. Enjoy!






