Ostomy Dilatator v.1 by Nozdro

Ostomy Dilatator v.1 by Nozdro


This was made for my father, who is suffering with badly overgrowing ostomy, which very annoying and also it hurts a lot, because he needs to dilatate this hole twice a day, so he was at first using his GF fingers, but then it was undoable with fingers, so he uses tootbrush right now...which terrified me so much, i immediatelly learned in 1 hour how to create things in Thinkercad and was trying to design my own tool, because there are none available as i know :(..i wish to do something to help him make it kinda easier and more "comfortable"... Tool is NOT CERTIFIED in any way, i just created it right now, so use it only for your own risk and always be gentle...you could have different parameters of your ostomy than my father have so use it carefully please. Hope it helps not only to my father, but to other people suffering with overgrowing ostomy hole...






