Naked Gopro Holder for GEPRC Rocket Lite/Plus
This adapts the naked gopro lite v2 case from betafpv to the GEPRC rocket. Camera tilt 15deg. I wanted to make an adjustable tilt but it weighs to much with an already nearing max efficiency trust to weigh ratio for this quad. There are 4 version attached. First is the xxGEPRCLite15.stl has the adapter mounted closer to CG but it means that larger battery tends to hit camera. With battery greater than 650mAh the rear motors tend to get hotter. The 2nd one is xxGEPRCLiteV2.stl is for bettter CG on larger battery. The other 2 with withSupport.stl is the same with the first 2 but with print-in support for better over-hang handling. Note the first 2 may not print well if you dont put sufficient support.