Open RC F1 - 32dp Spur Gear Mod

Open RC F1 - 32dp Spur Gear Mod


The 3D printed pinion gear for the Open RC F1 was the weak part of the design. Immediately after printing I found that it spun the flat spot in the print. When looking for a new pinion gear it looked like the stock was a 24dp 14T pinion for a 40T spur. I could not easily find a replacement 24dp metal gear on amazon, but it looked like 32dp and 48dp was common for Traxxas RC cars and fit the shaft on the 540 motor spec'd out by Daniel. My solution was to model a 32dp 57T spur gear as a direct replacement and purchase a set of spur gears on Amazon that included a 20T gear in order to keep a similar gear ratio to stock. 40T/14T = 2.857 gear ratio 57T/20T = 2.85 gear ratio







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