Desk organizer cube

Desk organizer cube


When designing this desk organizer I focused on the potability of the desk. I know that many students will be working on kitchen tables or won't have a set desk. I designed it to have to sets of vertical storage for notes and notebooks and one horizontal space for a spiral notebook at the bottom. I created a purpose place for an average sticky note with storage shelves underneath. I designed a pencil cup big enough to put all of your pens and pencils in as well as having two integrated phone stands and a handle for portability. One challenge I came across was having all of this fit into the printing space on a Sketch 3d printer but with stacking and multi purposing the components I was able to create a desk organizer cube that fit in the available space or 150mm x 150mm x 150mm. If I could redesign this organizer I would probably change the layout of the features to make the user experience better. 3d printing makes this design possible because of the ability to print odd and specific shapes even though supports will be needed to print the shelves and horizontal storage. 3d printing will be able to create this organizer when other machines could not create the specific design.







3D Printing