Antimicrobial filter mesh
This listing is primarily an upgrade to the 'Eye Cu Smile V2' Clear Mask kit antimicrobial filter mesh. Using Copper3D Nano copper particle infused PLActive filament. Could potentially be adapted for other gas / liquid sterilisation applications. That kit already features a similar but coarser Copper3d PLActive pre filter mesh. Update 2021/06/23: Design SUPERCEEDED This filter mesh design has now been superceeded by a super fine mesh printing method outlined in Update 2020/11/08: Filter mesh with Eye Cu Smile logo added. Printed with a 0.6mm nozzle and 0.3mm layer height. No top or bottom layers. Multiple walls for clamp strength whilst preserving inner diameter. 65% Gyroid infill (see pictures) 50-70% should work also. The settings may be different for your printer slicer. Here are some tips for an optimal filter. Update 2020/11/25: 80% infill, 0.6mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer height, 10mm/s slow speed to resolve v fine sinusoid. 205deg nozzle to make flow easy. 85% infill flow to avoid lines merging at higher infill. 70% fan to lay filament and immediately cool despite little to no downwards pressure from nozzle. Update 2020/11/08: 75% achieved by lowering flow to 96% and running slow 10mm/s on a 0.6mm nozzle. Denser mesh that is still breathable but knocks momentum out of flow. Recommend 80% for USB Mask Dryer application ---Mesh setting tuning objectives-- Relatively constant cross sectional flow area between layers to allow free flow. Use slicer layer view to inspect. No sightline through the mesh encouraging chaotic Brownian like motion that causes vapour in the flow to impede the gyroid mesh vane walls at every turning point. Pinballing corona virus particles into its nemesis, nanocopper PLA, theoretically anyway, not proven. Tune the linewidth and infill % until you get some layers untouching sinusoid with every couple of layers forming a diamond patter where the sinusoids meet at their peaks, see picture. This should produce a vane pattern that block light from almost all angles. To test hold in front of a bright light and tilt in different directions. You want light to be barely visible from all but just a small fraction of angles or not at all. The denser the mesh the greater the flow restriction, take this into consideration for the chosen application. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a simple concept arising from a literature review into the latest mesh-vane industrial demister technology and realising that Cura gyroid infill mimics the optimal form of the Vane component. Other infills will work but you want to satisfy the above objectives. The attached model is sized to fit the Eye Cu Smile V2 and V1 filter housings at 45 mm OD and 10.5mm high However if you want to make any size antimicrobial / antiviral filter meshes for any purpose then even sketchup will suffice Steps to draw a custom filter; -Draw outer cylinder of overall filter mesh height -Draw inner cylinder offset in height by 1 layer (0.3mm in this case) to combat elephants foot on the infill initial infill mesh strands -Recess the top of the inner cylinder as per this design if clamping with a cap nut or similar. -Draw circle feature on first layer centre to give a push pad to remove the mesh for cleaning. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potential applications (untested, use with caution): Rainwater storage butt recirculation; Drinking water purification; Fish tank recirculation; Hot water tank / heating system / air con sump / swamp cooler legionnaires recirculation filters; Simple USB fan+filter to recirculate in closed air spaces for covid 19* Should be in a housing with a clamped edge seal or o rings to ensure all flow goes through the mesh. Wont be 100% effective. But will reduce bacterial/viral loads. How much is unknown. Recirculation of closed volumes could achieve near 100% sterilisation if circulated long enough with no stationary flow volumes. If using for water filtration or similar liquid applications then advise stopping it getting clogged using coffee filter pre filter or similar. To trap large particles so the PLActive can just fulfil its antimicrobial role unrestricted indefinitely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Challenge to the community! If you like my designs try and improve and do better than me. Lets have a game of who can make the smallest microporous meshes? If you want to go sub 100 micron checkout this amazing MATLAB plugin. Haven't had chance to play yet. Soo many possibilities for microporous chaotic Brownian motion inducing antimicrobial / viral mesh sire recirculation filters. "scafSLICR: A MATLAB-based slicing algorithm to enable 3D-printing of tissue engineering scaffolds with heterogeneous porous microarchitecture" 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional references / inspiration: The Engineered Mist Eliminator (2012) MESH & VANE MIST ELIMINATOR (2012) ‘An overview of filtration efficiency through the masks: Mechanisms of the aerosols penetration’ Journal Paper (Jan 2021) ‘On-Mask Chemical Modulation of Respiratory Droplets’ Journal Paper (Nov 2020) ‘All Surfaces Are Not Equal in Contact Transmission of SARS-CoV-2’ (Nov 2020) ‘The role of additive manufacturing and antimicrobial polymers in the COVID-19 pandemic’ (Apr 2020) ‘DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF NOVEL ANTIMICROBIAL MATERIALS FOR ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING WITH APPLICATION IN SPACE’ (2020) ‘Copper3D develops 3D printed device with ability to inactivate HIV virus’ (Feb 2020) Press Release ‘Copper 3D Cuprionix® materials validated for effectiveness against Human Coronavirus’ (Nov 2020) Press Release Deactivation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in Medium by Copper Oxide-Containing Filters▿(2008) Copper May Inhibit the Transmission of HIV Through Breast Milk and Blood, (2008) An analysis of three Covid-19 outbreaks: how they happened and how they can be avoided, (2020)