Mini NES Raspberry Pi 4 Case

Mini NES Raspberry Pi 4 Case


I saw Daftmike's great model for the NES Pi case and was a little bummed that it wasn't compatible with the Pi4. I made some changes to the case to accommodate the Pi4, and with my lack of advanced soldering skills, a replacement fake NES port front for the black trim. So it lacks some of Daftmike's awesome features, such as NFC, so check out the original thing to find out more on that. I also made some changes for a custom case that I wanted, which had one button and a Raspberry Pi logo instead of the NES ports, a fan shroud, and a custom logo (with .psd) This case has a working power button, a power LED, and a temperature controlled fan. Instructions for all of that below. Unfortunately I'm not very good at this stuff, just lots of trial and error and googling, so I will be unable to help you debug, but the links are very good starting points. Power Button: If you use Raspbian stretch 2017.08.16 or newer, all that is required is to add a line to /boot/config.txt: dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown,gpio_pin=3 Connect the switch to GPIO Pin pin 3 (Physical Pin 5) and ground Power LED: all that is required is to add a line to /boot/config.txt: enable_uart=1 Connect the LED to a 330 Ohm resistor and plug into GPIO Pin 14 (Physical Pin 8) and ground Fan: FOLLOW COMMENTS FROM USER FLOP: Comment from flop Oct 1, 2016, 7:16 AM If "sudo update-rc.d fan defaults" doesn't work, input this first: sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/fan This is the fan I used: TinkerCAD links: Front Panel: NES Pi 4 Case: Rasp Pi 4 Case: Pi 4 Top:







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