Eachine CVATAR CineWhoop replacements Duct/DuctFeet/GoPro-/Antenna holder
I designed a replacement duct for the eachine cvatar cinewhoop, As i thought the originals were brittle or i fancied a other color or just for spares *Added a V2* V2 has bigger holes for the standoffs and are moved 0.8mm more accurately to fit 2 other ducts holes -V1 did not fit perfectly on 2 out of 4 stand ductmounts- *Added V2B is 1.1% enlarged from V2 and trimmed in file size (Perfect fit with my 3dprinter / settings and cvatar, see picture of green duct) *Added the GoPro holder in the files (should be a 90% replica) If you will print this and it has something not right please send me a private message with a picture so I know what the problem is and what I should change) *Added the lollipop antenna holder in the thing files, this is a look alike from the orginal one but not an exact copy (Screw holes should be normally correct ) *Added the duct/frame feet which should be a 90% look a like and a 100% fit **Added 10/11/2020 Ducts with and conical intake and outlet should be very narrow were the propeller tips go BUT this is a untested version as I do not have the time to print and rework this week** Use supports for the screw extensions not for the edge Stock weight 290grams with the GoPro mount Modded weight with my ducts 280grams with GoPro mount. If you like/appreciate my time spend on this design feel free to tip me BUT only if you can spare some and it will not affect your monthly living budget.