Zodiac Baracuda MX8 Repair parts
Repair parts for Zodiac Baracuda MX8 Gearboxes, Flipper Gears, Lid Top, Lid Clip, Engine - basically all the things that have broken on my 2 machines in the past couple of years. I got tired of spending money on gearboxes while its really one or two parts that fail inside. So I redesigned the CAM parts and gears. Same with the Engine, and the Lid fitting, and the lid button. Why throw away a gearbox or lid when only part of it has worn? Most parts must print with support. Consider direction of printing especially with engine pins, otherwise they are too weak - have to lay flat 100% with 8 walls. Most parts you need to experiment with materials, printing and slicing methods. I find PETG and PLA+ work ok. I run my machines for about 6 months to a year on gears depending on material. The engine pins break most often, the original is made with a tough material - that eventually breaks off too. Any suggestions for tougher material welcome! The Lid top is a replacement new design not the same as the original - the lid might be fine but when the bearing balls start falling out you have to replace the whole lid - not any more. This design fits in multiple parts to fix the lid including a bearing that already has the supports. It is a bit fiddly to get the support out and to get the bearing to run smooth - I use my dremel with a rotary rubber wheel to run it in a bit. I don't recommend using the bearings - they are just for testing but they don't last. Rather get the OEM bearings. I have gone through a lot of revisions of parts, materials, and running my test machine in the pool. If you come up with any new materials or print settings that will help others save their machines please do post your builds and share print settings Update 2021/05 Some files were corrupt, re-uplloaded