TEVO Tornado Standalone Mod
This is a simple tuck-under standalone mod for the TEVO Tornado that doesn't require any modification of the existing cables going to the gantries or endstops. The top cover slides to the side, and can be slipped out of the way for easy access to components. PARTS LIST: 1x TT_STANDALONE-001-001 (Main Body) 1x TT_STANDALONE-001-002* (Floor) 1x TT_STANDALONE-001-003 (Top Cover) 1x TT_STANDALONE-001-004 (Fan Shroud) 3x TT_STANDALONE-002-001 (Extension Leg) 1x TT_STANDALONE-003-001 (LCD Swivel) 1x TT_STANDALONE-003-002 (LCD Back Panel) 1x TT_STANDALONE-003-003 (LCD Main Body) 4x TT_STANDALONE-003-004 (Board Standoff) HARDWARE (Listed as excluding original hardware except rubber feet): 11x M5 x 0.8mm x 10mm BHCS (Mod to frame, LCD swivel mounting): https://www.mcmaster.com/91239A224/ 11x M5 x 0.8mm T-Nut (Mod to frame mounting): https://amz.run/3dLw 8x M5 x 0.8mm x 22mm BHCS (Fan mounting): https://www.mcmaster.com/91239A242/ 1x M5 x 0.8mm x 30mm BHCS (Front left box, goes through frame): https://www.mcmaster.com/91239A236/ 7x M4 x 0.7mm x 18mm BHCS (Rubber Foot mounting): https://www.mcmaster.com/91239A151/ 2x M4 x 0.7mm x 8mm SHCS (SSR mounting): https://www.mcmaster.com/91290A140/ 8x M3 x 0.5mm x 8mm BHCS (Board, PSU, and Switch Adapter mounting): https://www.mcmaster.com/91239A113/ 4x M3 x 0.5mm x 25mm BHCS (LCD Assembly): https://www.mcmaster.com/91239A121/ ELECTRONICS UPGRADES: PSU: https://www.digikey.com.mx/product-detail/en/mean-well-usa-inc/RS-100-24/1866-4124-ND/7706159 SSR: https://www.th3dstudio.com/product/mager-25a-ac-dc-ssr-for-ac-heated-bed/ Power Switch: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/e-switch/RR3130ABLKBLKFS/280435 10x50mm Fan: https://amz.run/3dLz USB-B Extension: https://amz.run/3dM0 NOTE: You will also need wire, U terminals, and female spade connectors to extend the wires to the SSR and new power switch, as well as a way of linking the two 10x50mm fans (I used JST connectors I had on hand, found here: https://amz.run/3dLy ) The power switch is simply interrupting the connection between the switch adapter and the PSU. *Might work better mirrored if you're using the stock wheels, I'm using linear rails.