N.A.B. Binder

N.A.B. Binder


What the project is and how it can help with online learning is what I am calling the “N, A, B Binder” (Noah I., Mr. Allen, and Bryce W.!) So, how I got the idea for this binder was when I went to school to get all the supplies, and don’t get me wrong it was organized and neat but, in a small Ziploc bag. And, I live a mile away from my school, and I had already lost a good amount of stuff in the car. So, it is a binder with all the materials I would need just already inside of the binder, so the school would just give me the binder and send me on my way. What the binder includes is: The binder, a pencil bag with pencils and markers and a pencil sharpener, a whiteboard Velcroed on the front of the binder, lined paper, and my calculator. Next, if I were to redesign this then I would make it so it would not just be a model but try to make the model more of a reality by actually putting velcro on the whiteboard, actually getting paper and a pencil bag. And finally, yes 3D printing this design would be helpful so I could see what I would need to fix with my design. Thank you for this amazing opportunity, and even if I don’t win then I will still try to make this a reality because I feel this would be very useful for kids during distance learning, and you would just keep the binder with you when we are back in in-person school.






