Hook Hand Prosthetic Version1

Hook Hand Prosthetic Version1


Please read the PDF attached in the thing files. This PDF contains a detailed bill of materials and assembly instructions. This is the first revision of a partial hand prosthetic that was designed by students from the University of Calgary. It is based on the common body-powered hook prosthetic, but adapted for 3D printing and specifically for children. The hook piece is actuated using a shoulder harness which must be created/bought separately. The rotating piece part is a single PART file that consists of two solid bodies: rotating piece mover and rotating piece sitter. These two STL files printed separately, joined by the pin STL and a rubber band, make the end effector. This currently threads onto the hand bridge connector. The hand bridge connector connects to the gauntlet using 4 of the pin2 STL file. The gauntlet is what attaches to your arm. It currently uses velcro to secure to your arm. A cable routes through the end effector through the gauntlet and connects to a shoulder harness. See picture. Other parts needed: Velcro Rubber band cable and rope clips to hold the cable Some form of harness (can be self-made using backpack straps) Advice from the community is welcome.






