Ergonomic Mini Table

Ergonomic Mini Table


This mini table can act as a table while students are sitting in their beds or it can be placed on a desk to elevate a laptop or textbook. There are two collapsible components on the surface; the main one provides extra elevation while the other acts as a stopper. To conserve space, textbooks can be stored in the space under the surface when the mini table is placed on a desk. The mini table will help students maintain a good posture as they can be eye-level to their screen. There are two removable holders on the left to store stationary and a drink and USB ports on the right to charge one's laptop/phone or to plug in a LED light. Issues I encountered while designing were the size constraints. Due to the limited space of the printer I had take my vision of the design and size it down. Considering the fact that the design is a prototype, an alternative size was feasible. Changes I would make to the design are experimenting with changing the corners of the surface and the legs from being pointy to round and how the shape of something so simple could change the product and the user's experience. 3D printing would help strengthen my design by providing a miniature replica of the product and seeing which components work and which components need improving.







3D Printing