Ender 3 Motherboard 80mm Top LED fan Case (Improved Design)
*Update* (Oct. 15, 2020) Added top with LED spacing around fan. Also improved the design with some bevels where the wires go into the buck converted. Also added a bit more edge to the sides so the light doesn't shine through the cracks. The other models this won't be an issue but with more LED's you will see the cracks where the light shines through. This is probably my last and final iteration of this thing. I added some extra space around the fan for LED's. The LED's I used for this: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01CDTED80/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Wired a strip and a bit more around the edges into the SKR mini E3 v2.0 neopixel pins. Your wiring may be different but see picture below for some ideas. *Update* (Oct. 13, 2020) Sorry, forgot to add back the slot for the head of the M3 bolt for the back mount hole for the nuclear symbol stl. Replaced the stl with the corrected one. *Update* (Oct. 12, 2020) Thought I would have some fun out of it so I made one with a fan cover with a nuclear symbol. For this one I would print the first layer as slow as possible. I printed the intitial layer at 10mm/s which is really slow but it helps the honeycomb pattern to stick better to the bed. *Update* (Oct. 11, 2020) Added a fan cover for the top case. Without the fan cover there were absolutely no issues. But for those concerned I added one. For the motherboard honestly even without the fan cover debris just doesn't get into enclosure through the fan. Based on how the bed is right above the fan and the extruder itself is usually situated over the bed. Only time is when it homes. Mine homes to the center of the bed anyways. Some may have it home at 0,0. But even then, unless you are extruding filament right over the fan. But this can at least protect your fingers in case you mistakenly stick it in there. Summary: This is a "remix" but the file is "clean" in that I ended up making this from the ground up on Fusion 360. I really liked this design mainly for the buck converter slot that can allow you to neatly wire in buck converter needs into one spot of the motherboard enclosure. Also that you can have more options for an 80mm LED fan as the original fan was making strange noises and I felt like I needed to replace it anyway. I thought the idea was great from Joulz but after printing there were some major flaws: 1) The mount holes did not line up (Main part of case and buck converter I was using ) 2) The Y-axis groove for the wheels did not extend all the way to the end. This causes issues as some users may be using a belt tightener for the Y axis where the wheels would get stuck on the tensioner and cause motor grinding. 3) The case was a too thick. There was barely enough clearance from the top of the case to the Y axis wheels and it looked precarious. Spacing dimensions between mount holes may not be exact for all Ender 3 printers so I made the mount holes a bit wider to allow enough margin for inconsistencies. It should fit fine for most users now.