TronXY X5 Part Cooling Fan Mount with UFO shroud (Customizable)
Since I had my old but trusty TronXY X5 on my workbench, I found after years of using it as it was delivered, the part cooling assembly could be improved. Originally the blower fan blows all air out of a nozzle directly onto the heater block. Yes, you read right. The heater block! To avoid temperature runaways, save energy and increase the heating, when the blower is enabled, the clever vendor wrapped the heater block in kapton tape. Beside that the rest of the air is just getting from one side to the printed part or where ever it wants to go. As you may already noticed: That´s crap! The only nice thing about this cooling bracket is that you can un-mount it from the tool head. This not only provides a nice way to mount the replacement, but the bracket itself can be used to quite easy get the required measurements. Just print both parts, glue them together in the needed height and mount them. The fan shroud must be printed with the ring flat down and you must not use supports! The other parts orientation doesn´t matter, but I suggest using supports. Unlike the original bracket the replacement only utilizes three of the rod surrounding screws. This allows to just slide the new bracket in position. The original requires to unscrew and move the rod to get it off its end. No additional parts are required. In fact you have a spare screw in the end. As mentioned I printed the part in ABS, so I simply used a brush and some acetone to weld both parts together. Just make sure to precheck the required position, as you may need to place the fan shroud lower. In my case I pushed it flush to the underside of the tool head, but if your hot end sits lower there is plenty of room to get this to fit. The print quality after this modification was raised to a new level using the new UFO cooling. The FreeCAD file as always is included, so you can modify the part quite esay. Happy Printing