Skåne (Sweden) topography puzzle
Topography puzzle of Skåne (southern tip of sweden) The topography features in the model are x25 to get better looking topography effect after printed. Watch my tutorial video to see how I print it and assemble. I used: AddNorth e-PLA black, green and medium blue PRUSA Mini with 0.4mm nozzle 0.25mm layer height If you want to print the box as well there are insert holes for two 5x2mm cylinder magnets. Printing the puzzle: No support needed Add pause for color change to get different colors for land/water features. Spread out the parts to prevent the pieces sticking to each other I printed all the 25 pieces together, I see no point in finishing each individual object in this case. Printing the box: Support needed for the box under the magnet slot No support needed for the lid Box and lid fit together with friction fit (see video)