Slow-Em-Down! Cat Feeder

Slow-Em-Down! Cat Feeder


If your cat is anything like mine, he eats fast then often gets sick and pukes somewhere. I needed to find a way to slow down his eating, force him to take his time. It's also kind of a puzzle as well as a dog prevention because they cant get to his food. Your cat will be able to see his food, but can only access it thru one window. He has to reach into that window and paw it out. Then once he has some out, he still cant just scarf it up due to the block poles I put in. He has to slide each piece over to the end tray where he can then pick up each piece with his mouth. You and I, as humans, know the best way would be move a bunch and then eat. However, these are cats. They can be smart, but still aren't very forward thinking. They will move one piece at a time, eat it as soon as they can, then move another. This has worked perfect for greatly slowing down his eating, and I'm not stepping in cat vomit 1-3 time a week anymore!







