Dixit Insert

Dixit Insert


This configuration will allow you to store a copy of the base game and up to EIGHT expansions plus a few promos. (Each card box hold a deck and a half plus a little.) My layout includes a score board and pieces for 12 players -- but I only have bits for 6. Also, check your measurements depending on the box you are using for storage before printing. I am using the Dixit Journey box -- see photos. You need to pay a little attention to what you're printing on this one. It all comes down to some choices. Even though I'm not currently making use of all the space, the configuration in the photos consists of: 4 prints of 4x_Card_Short_Dix.stl 2 prints of 2x_Card_Tall_Dix.stl 2 prints of 2xTokens_Dix.stl 2 prints 2xTokensSkinny_Dix.stl As an alternative, instead of printing 2xTokensSkinny_Dix.stl, print 2 copies of 2xMeeples_Dix.stl. These are basically just long skinny boxes without the cutouts to make retrieving the tokens easier. The difference in the size of the card boxes allows you to store the scoreboard AND a few extra cards. If you don't want to think about it, or you have a far thinner score board than I do, or maybe a larger board dimensionally, you can either print 6 copies of the tall or 6 copies of the short. Your call.



