Textbook Stand
Needs Addressed: One of the most annoying things whilst doing homework at home ,and especially while doing online class work, is not having a desk big enough for your laptop and textbook open side-by-side. Having this issue causes me to try to juggle between the textbook and laptop, while not being able to focus on my actual work. Another instance would be when children have to go to work with their parents and share a desk, it would be extremely beneficial to the parent if their child could minimize the space they're taking up on the desk. Another problem I've discovered with only work is how poorly it affects your posture. Having to look up to your laptop then down to your textbook creates the perfect opportunity for future health problems. How My Design Can Help Virtual Learners: My designed component, the textbook stand, will solve the problem of overcrowding your desk with various books and textbooks along with your computer. By giving you the option to stand your textbooks vertically rather than laying them horizontally, you save tons of desk space for other educational needs. The textbook stand also props your textbook at a comfortable reading angle, preventing the cause of Cervicalgia, a pain that develops in your neck sometimes caused by prolonged straining (looking up or down). The final advantage of using this component would be to aid your posture over time. Rather than having to hunch over your work, you can easily see your textbook pages whilst sitting upright. What Issues Did I Overcome? One of the main and hardest challenges of this model was finding a comfortable degree of inclination for the book in order to minimize the amount of strain on the neck, but after using a lot of trigonometry and multiple test prints, I believe I resolved this problem. If I Could Redesign This Again, What Would I Change? Personally, I was given more than enough time to perfect my design. In the end, I only made one major redesign. Originally, my piece had a flat base with the book holder pieces at an angle to the base, but I redesigned the base to be more of a wedge shape, with the book holder pieces perpendicular to the base. I did so because, originally, the book would not sit flat in the base, but with the book holder walls perpendicular to the base the book sits much nicer. Given the opportunity to redesign my final product, I do not believe I would redesign the product, but I would however add new functions. Rather than being a stiff piece that only fits a certain variety of sized textbooks, I could print the base in PLA and the walls in a flexible filament such as Ninja Flex to fit a more vast variety of books. I could also design one of the walls stationary and one of the walls on a spring-loaded track, so it would automatically fit any book firmly. How Would 3D Printing Help Strengthen My Design? 3D printing my design gave the opportunity to test my component and make alterations to perfect the piece, rather than just leaving it as a hypothetical file. 3D printing also allows me to quickly edit my pieces and print/test multiple pieces at once.