Creality CR-6 SE Endstop Cover - Fallout Remix

Creality CR-6 SE Endstop Cover - Fallout Remix


I had printed the deathclaw head from to put on the end stop cover for my CR-6, but when I saw this I thought other Fallout fan's might want something like this. I haven't printed this yet, but I have printed the deathclaw head on multiple occasions at a wide range of scales so I know the head is printable. I loaded this model into Prusa slicer and took a look at it, and it looks like you would only need to have supports on the build plate, but I will update once I print this remix. 10-16-2020 UPDATE I found that the original remix would foul with the hotend while homing, so I've made a newer version that moves the head to the left a few MM so it should clear, I've also made it so you can print everything without support and put it together. I haven't tried it yet, as I'm printing something right now, but I'll print it up and try as soon as I can!



