Raspberry Pi 4 case - GPIO tab - fan versions - Ender mount

Raspberry Pi 4 case - GPIO tab - fan versions - Ender mount


Based on the best Pi_4 case I've found anywhere by Harryb1991 - brilliant case!!! Because I have an OctoPi camera I needed to fix the Raspberry Pi to the printer so it wouldn't get knocked and pull out the camera cable. I've modified just the bottom section to add a simple and functional mounting that will fit on Ender printer frames with 2 x M4 screws and T-Nuts. This should fit on the CR printers too. I have a CR-20 Pro too but must admit I've not attached it to the top crossbar - yet. Harryb1991's other case top stl files posted here are exactly as he designed them - you just cannot improve on perfection.



