160mm (or 6 1/4 inch ) Square Drain Cover
Drain cover to replace a very flimsy one. Measures 159x159x21 to fit 160mm or 6 1/4" square drain frame opening. If the four pegs get in your way cut them off pre or post printing. The pins match the original drain frame which probably helped to keep the flimsy cover in place, they are not really needed for this stronger version. unless you print this one really thin and light! Suggest ABS or PETG with at least 4 perimeters and 30%+ fill for durability and strength. <b>If you like or use this please send me a little support, just a pound or two (or dollars etc) at [paypal.me/MettaUK](https://paypal.me/MettaUK/ "Help Me") Thank You</b> The one in the pictures was printed with a 0.6mm nozzle with 4 perimeters and 60% fill which I used about 240g of filament and took 20hrs to print in PETG (Slow and steady).