Prusa x axis stepper motor cable saver

Prusa x axis stepper motor cable saver


Prusa x axis stepper cable saver designed to protect the x axis stepper motor wiring connection from the stresses of printer use. Both versions 3.1 & 3.2 have mounting holes to accommodate a thin aluminum or copper plate. This modification allows you to be able to mount a heat sink to the plate rather then sticking the heat sink directly to the stepper motor. Version 3.1 is a flush mount design and version 3.2 is counter sunk, note this extra modification has not been tested as of yet but I look forward to doing so soon. STL Files UPDATED: 10/19/20 Made the lower cable support thicker on the outside edges, had some issues with separation due to them being to thin the issue should be all fixed now with both versions. LAYER HEIGHT: 0.2, WALL LINE COUNT: 4, TOP & BOTTOM LAYERS: 4, INFILL: 25-30% PATTERN: Octet, TRAVEL: combing mode ON setting:ALL, SUPPORT: yes, touching builders plate with 20% support density, Material: PLA



