Warfleets: FTL Marauder Chopper Small Ships
These are Marauder Chopper Small Ships for use with One Page Rules Warfleets: FTL. A game of spaceship battles that can be played in 60-90 minutes. Though you could definitely use them with other similar space warfare games. Find the free rules here: https://onepagerules.com/portfolio/warfleets-ftl/ Ship 1 is adjusted from afterimagedan's Adeptus Mechanicus Cobra model, the ship is scaled up to 34mm long and the base has been resized to 32mm to work with Warfleets: FTL base sizes. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4162920/ Ship 2 is adjusted from afterimagedan's BFG Ork Brute Ramship model, the ship is scaled up to 39mm long and the base has been resized to 32mm to work with Warfleets: FTL base sizes. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4196898/