Combadge from USS Cerritos (Star Trek: Lower Decks)

Combadge from USS Cerritos (Star Trek: Lower Decks)


I previously printed and painted a Lower Decks style badge by omicron22: It’s a nice model and cleverly translates the animation’s black outline into a tray that the silver delta nestles into. I like this interpretation a lot! However, the more I looked at it the more it bothered me the sides of the arrowhead are not quite as wide/rounded as on the show, and the arc between the legs seems a bit too sharp. I also felt that it would be nice if the badge’s black outline were fully visible from all angles, not just straight on - it’s drawn that way on the show after all, though going too far down this path is perilous as the badge itself is mostly drawn with no thickness... So instead I set to modeling my own! After tracing a screencap of the show, I ended up with two variations. First, one with a similar structure to omicron22's, where the silver part nests into a tray with raised black edges that are nearly as tall as the silver face with a similar contour. The edges of the silver arrowhead are rounded so that the black outline is visible even at steep angles. The second variation is set up like the movie/Voyager style badges with a raised lip around the perimeter created by a black frame piece fitting over the silver arrowhead. The backs have recesses for either velcro as on the 90s costumes, or 8x3mm rare earth magnets. The height is somewhere between the standard movie/DS9/Voyager badges and the "All Good Things..." style alternate future badges. Files for Version “A” with the tray style edges/back piece, and raised silver arrowhead: Cerritos badge A back.stl Cerritos badge A rounded insert.stl Files for Version “B” with the frame style outline that fits over and is raised above the arrowhead: Cerritos badge B insert.stl Cerritos badge B frame flat.stl Cerritos badge B frame rounded.stl (you only need one of the two frames for version B; use the one that looks best to you)






