200mm Resin Curing Station
This is my solution to a curing station for the larger build volume of the ELEGOO Saturn. I have added another cover design so users of other resin printers can utilize another logo. Please let me know in the comments or messages if you have any suggestions for updates or modifications. Any constructive inputs on the design are appreciated! The interior volume capability is 200x200x200mm. Height is measured from the top of the listed UV powered turntable although I plan to install a larger turntable in the future for heavier prints. The Build: I removed the glass retainer screws from UV light so everything would fit more snug since the screws protrude too far out the back of the light. I used a soldering iron to melt the fittings into the back of the UV_Retainer. You might need to use an 1/8inch drill bit to ream out the M3 holes and a 3/16 drill bit to ream out the back side of the UV_Retainer so the fittings melt in better. Be sure to melt them in straight so the M3 screws go in correctly. The M3 screws need to be flush or the entire assembly won't fit into the base correctly. The interior of the cover and base will be lined with ORACAL 351 reflective vinyl. Hardware: UV Light 20w LED & UV powered turntable KIT: https://www.amazon.com/AnKun-Turntable-Printer-Solidify-Photosensitive/dp/B085TDY6C5/ref=pd_di_sccai_34?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B085TDY6C5&pd_rd_r=b65a0c80-2f8a-4a4d-84fb-7f2754832b4c&pd_rd_w=ZXv7G&pd_rd_wg=6o0yo&pf_rd_p=c9443270-b914-4430-a90b-72e3e7e784e0&pf_rd_r=27FG0D34T8N74MZK3TQ8&psc=1&refRID=27FG0D34T8N74MZK3TQ8 12x M3x20 bevel head bolts 12x M3x6x5 press/melt in fittings I hope I am not forgetting anything but please comment or message me if I am or if you have questions. Remixes are welcome but reselling this design is not. Thank you!