Ender 5+ Enclosure

Ender 5+ Enclosure


DEPRECATED DESIGN Please be aware I am not developing this design any further. See my new design... https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5111093 --- Using 4.5mm thick acrylic panels for a simple enclosure mounted to the exterior of the extrusions of the Ender 5 plus using simple clips. I used M5 buttonhead bolts with T nuts and hex head bolts everywhere, just measure for the lengths required. The pdf of the panels do not show any hole positions. I drilled those myself with a ceramic tile bit once I had the hinges etc printed to be able to mark out accurately. The side panels can easily be measured, but don't forget to notch out the two top corners for the belt tensioners, see pictures. Measure to the face of the grove of the extrusion so that the extrusion grove can still accept bolts, see pictures. Front panel latches include a space for a pen spring for the latch to return. Hopefully I have covered all the items I desgined, if I have left anything out let me know.







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