Case for SKR V1.3 & RGB Mini12864
Hello. I needed a case for my SKR with a some particulars features. Looking in this website I couldn't find any box with all features but I take ideas about other boxes so this is a my own desing with others mix ideas, like de cooling fan tunnel system. Now, you have a very small box for your SKR v1.3, with slots for: - General Power swicht ON/OFF - Light Swicht - General Cooling fan for the printer enclosure. For to assembly it you need some stuff: - 7x M3 hot inserts - 2x round Swichts 12/24v - 1x general switch 120/220v - 1x Cooling Radial fan 12/24v - 1x Wire extender Micro SD to be able to put off/on the SKR micro SD card without disassembly anythin. The slot is inside the case so you can't take it and you need to have a external slot, with that is enough. For assembly the cooling tunnel drivers, it fixed itself with pressure, the idea come to this desing: Please click "Like" if it like you or was usefull for you in order to ease the searching to news printers.