Tevo Tornado Firmware Upgrade Guides & Vref Calculator

Tevo Tornado Firmware Upgrade Guides & Vref Calculator


These are a few firmware upgrade guides that are directed for the Tevo Tornado. _______________________________________________________________ ***************Please Read All guides have you use VScode for the firmware. if you have previously been working with firmware within VScode, before using the guides, open VScode, close all your open tabs, remove the project, then close VScode. This needs to be done to clear any remnants you may have from previous config files. _______________________________________________________________ -MKS Gen L V1 Firmware Guide It will walk you through loading firmware, and some of the more common upgrades for the MKS Gen L v1.0 board. _______________________________________________________________ -MKS Gen L V2.0 & V2.1 Firmware and Upgrade Guide It will walk you through upgrading to this board, loading firmware, and some of the more common upgrades for the MKS Gen L V2 & V2.1 boards. _______________________________________________________________ -MKS SGen L V1 & V2 Firmware and Upgrade Guide It will walk you through upgrading to this board, loading firmware, and some of the more common upgrades for the MKS SGen L V1 & V2 board. _______________________________________________________________ -MKS Base V1.4 & V1.6 Firmware Guide It will walk you through upgrading to this board, loading firmware, and some of the more common upgrades for the MKS Base boards. _______________________________________________________________ -BTT SKR V1.3, V1.4, and V1.4Turbo Firmware and Upgrade Guide It will walk you through upgrading to this board, loading firmware, and some of the more common upgrades for the SKR boards. _______________________________________________________________ -Vref Calculator Contains specs for many common drivers. will calculate you Vref automatically with two inputs; motors max current and driver type _______________________________________________________________ - Boot screens zip file Contains stock Tevo boot screen for the 12864 screen. The one off Marlins github does not work. this one is from Marlin 1.9. I tested it and it works with marlin 2.X. The zip file also contains my custom created Tevo boot screen in all common TFT sizes and bot formats for the MKS and BTT TFTs. _______________________________________________________________







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