Neje Master (1or 2) Laser Improved Fanbox (or similar Laser)
Protect your Laser ! Avoid over Heating! A great improvement for your ears and the life span of your laser. The excellent NEJE LASER come with an horribly noisy 30x30x10mm fan! It produces a noise of 38Db ! Check the datasheet FXDS3010-1 Indeed as it is small, there is no secret, it must turn at 14000 RPM (revolutions per minute) to produce a flow of 4 Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) . At full power, the 20W Neje laser reaches 51°~52°C after 6 minutes and must remains at this temperature. If the laser diode temperature continues to rise exceeding the maximum operating temperature, the diode can be catastrophically damaged or the long term performance may degrade significantly. If the laser diode’s operating temperature is reduced by about 10 degrees, the lifetime will statistically double. Laser module lifetimes can be extended significantly by maintaining the case temperature at the low end of the operating temperature range. (source : I created this part with an aerodynamic design to be able to fit a 40x40x10mm fan that will deliver twice the air volume (7.7 CFM) and much quieter since it only produces 21Db ! My choice is a Sunon Fan Maglev Series 40x40x10 which you can find here at a very low price : For the X axis, the new assembly is 236gr on the scale. The old assembly with the small fan was 210gr. The Nema 17 42x42x30 motors have a torque of 16Ncm or 1.6kg/cm, so you need a weight of more than 1.6kg to start having 'step slip' problems, so there is a margin... We are far away from the limits of the nema 17 stepper motors used. Besides, it is this same type of motor that animates the Y axis. And on the Y-axis this motor drives the weight of two motors, and the X-axis with the laser... That is a much bigger weight difference than the 26gr I added on the X-axis by making this modification The 4 2.2mm holes are user to screw the 4 Allen srcrews with a 2mm Allen Tool by the top side No external hardware needed, the original 4 Allen screws are long enought and fit perfectly the assembly. The original FXDS 3010-1 Fan can be replaced by this Sunon, this Sunon has the same parameters as the original one. Check also my Neje Laser Unobstructed Focus Knob Think to improve the cutting perforance using a LONG FOCUS LENS like this Have you ever noticed that when you cut a thick material, the sides of the workpiece are no longer perpendicular? It is because of the focus, the beam is thin over a small distance, the more the laser goes down into the material the larger the diameter of the beam and therefore the laser power is no longer concentrated in a fine beam... Thanks to the long focus, you can cut thicker materials because the laser beam remains concentrated into a fine beam over a longer length. If you have problems using Lightburn instead of Neje software, simply follow this guide. Please like and post a pic of your print ! Happy Printing ! Renba