Ender 3 Pro TF to SD adapter plate

Ender 3 Pro TF to SD adapter plate


This is an adapter for the Ender 3 Pro Printer. Instead of using the ribbon cable adapter, this uses the attached Cablecc SD card adapter. If your TF card adapter spring is worn and does not hold the TF card in, this will actually fix that problem. The adapter will hold the card adapter in with pressure. NOTE:!! The adapter goes into the TF slot upside down with the gold pins at the end of the card UP! The model was printed on a Mars Pro Resin printer. If done on a FDM, there may have to be some rework due to the difference in tolerences. The 2 frame screws hold it inplace. If the Card is loose, use a bit of hot glue to hold in place. If you want USB connection you will have to get an Angled USB cord. *****>>>> PAY ATTENTION!! <<<<***** There is a left hand and right hand! Older models use the Mini, newer models use the Micro. YOU NEED THE LEFT HAND. TF to SD card adapter Cablecc SD Card Socket Female to Micro-SD TF Male Memory Card Kit Extension Adapter Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32828493769.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.666f3939K6NZTE&algo_pvid=bcb50ff8-6081-4815-be2c-b251fcdca663&algo_expid=bcb50ff8-6081-4815-be2c-b251fcdca663-0&btsid=0bb0623016029818777464674e3a0d&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ Amazonprime: https://www.amazon.com/Cablecc-Micro-SD-Extension-Adapter-Extender/dp/B08P4P54Q8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1OSJ3OF6GDJMY&keywords=Cablecc+SD+Card+Socket+Female+to+Micro-SD+TF+Male+Memory+Card+Kit+Extension+Adapter&qid=1640114386&sprefix=cablecc+sd+card+socket+female+to+micro-sd+tf+male+memory+card+kit+extension+adapter%2Caps%2C300&sr=8-1



