Doctor Who - 5" TimeLord Victorious Emperor Dalek Kit

Doctor Who - 5" TimeLord Victorious Emperor Dalek Kit


UPDATE : 4/11/20 I have uploaded new versions of the dome halves which now feature additional design pieces and sturdier fixings between the two halves Made to be IN SCALE with the 5" range of Character Options New Series Daleks, this listing contains all the parts needed to make a fully poseable TimeLord Victorious Emperor Dalek. This contains one each of all the part needed to make the Dalek, but as with most model kits may need some minor adjustment/sanding of parts here and there to make it fit well, and glue will be needed in place to hold it all together. All parts are made to be interchangeable with existing pieces, although to fit the Scientist Hemis, the originals will need to be sanded down to fit over the top, hopefully I will be able to make some which will be able to print to completely cover them without the need for modification. There are also included two optional base inserts, one a static piece and the other made to use the wheels & fixings from a CO 5" Classic Dalek base to give it wheels. I am also aware of the mild “inaccuracies” which some people may notice in the design, however this was designed according to how they appeared in the renders in the official 2021 annual, which so far seems to be the most high quality and consistent design we have seen at the time of upload. I am selling these myself via my eBay for those without 3D Print capabilities Based on Audrey2's Accurate Dalek model, this has be re-uploaded and sold with their express permission This file is free for anyone to download and use, however I do not give permission for either prints of this or the files themselves to be sold, and action will be taken should I find this to be the case.







Model Robots