BLV MGN CUBE - SFU1204 Z axis bed mount

BLV MGN CUBE - SFU1204 Z axis bed mount


Bed mount for the "BLV MGN CUBE - SFU1204 Z axis by Cpt_Obvious" for two Z Ball Screws. Using the Stock Rail and the stock aluminum frame. As compared to the original mount this is only one piece. Mount it: - Mount the Upper BK10 Bracked - Mount the Lower Motor mount - Put the ball Screw in trough to the bed holder - Mount the bed holder to the Z carriage (do not insert the ball screw mount yet!) - Mount the ball screw - Mount the bed to the bed mount It is quite a hazzle to put this thing together as you have to mount everything "in-place". For this effort you get a ringgit bed which is not moving anymore!



