Customizable Stun Gun Case (replacement for Mini Stun Gun)

Customizable Stun Gun Case (replacement for Mini Stun Gun)


Customizable Retrofit Mini Stun Gun Case I had an old Mini Stun Gun (similar to Amazon part number B01F4EY8ZY) with a defective internal battery pack (4X 2/3 AAA 250mAh NiCd), and I couldn't find a suitable replacement battery pack. So I salvaged a few parts from my old device and designed this new 3D-printable Stun Gun case that takes AAA batteries. I designed two versions of the case, for either 3 or 4 AAA batteries. The AAA battery holders are assumed to have an integrated slider switch as available on Amazon. Feel free to modify my design to accept other battery options. I used the screw that came with the battery case to attach the printed battery cover. Components I salvaged from the old stun gun device: 1) High-voltage transformer (approx dimensions 40x40x18mm) 2) pushbutton switch (with rubber top) 3) High-voltage contacts 4) 4 screws For simplification, I discarded the original 110V charger circuit (resistor, capacitor, bridge rectifier, LED), slider switch, resistors, and LEDs, and recycled the defective NiCd battery pack. (It no longer plugs into an outlet; now the batteries must be recharged externally or replaced when dead.) Wiring up my new device only requires 3 connections: 1) black wire on the battery holder goes to the green (or black) wire on the HV transformer. 2) red wire on the battery holder goes to one side of the button switch. 3) red wire on the HV transformer goes to the opposite side of the button switch. I use the slider switch on the battery holder to enable/disable the device. *** Updated 10/25/20: Added files for 4xAAA pack and minor improvements for 3xAAA version. I switched to the 4xAAA pack because the battery voltage was dropping too low with 3xAAA's during use. The original 250mAh NiCd pack was 4.8V.



