Warfleets: FTL Alliance Kite Light Ship (Gothic Scale)
This is an Alliance Kite Small Ship for use with One Page Rules Warfleets: FTL. A game of spaceship battles that can be played in 60-90 minutes. Though you could definitely use them with other similar space warfare games. This model is scaled to what I call "Gothic Scale" with ships and squadrons being smaller than what is recommended in the official rules. Large ships use 40mm bases Medium ships use 32mm bases Small ships use 32mm bases Squadrons use 25mm bases Find the free rules here: https://onepagerules.com/portfolio/warfleets-ftl/ This ship is adjusted from SYFY's The Expanse - The Canterbury v2.0 model, all the pieces are assembled into a solid model, voids are filled, the model is scaled down, and a 32mm base is added to work with Warfleets: FTL base sizes. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2060037/ A paid version pre-supported version will be available soon through cults3d.