New Raspberry Pi 4 Honeycomb case

New Raspberry Pi 4 Honeycomb case


New Raspberry Pi 4 Honeycomb Case ============================ ###Designed for Octoprint >##If you are looking for a nice Octoprint case, this is right for you. ##Also, Raspicam is supported! ##No hustle in assembly, just three steps and you are good to go: 1. Print it; 2. Insert the Raspberry Pi; 3. Snap fit all together. >##Simple as eating a sandwich. ###No fan needed >##The case is designed to optimize the air flow and to keep the Raspberry Pi well cooled __without__ the need of __a cooling fan__. ------------------ How it's been made =============== ##This is a remix of my Raspberry Pi 4 case. In order to make it much easier to assemble the case with the RPi4, a few changes were made: - Divided the lower part in two halves for easier inserting of Raspberry Pi; - Added snap fit link between upper case and lower case; - Added ribaditures to the lower case in order to keep the RPi4 board in place (using 4 M2.5x8 screws is considered but not strictly necessary). - Minor improvements from the aesthetic point of view. ------------------ Variants ====== ##As the previous version, the upper case is provided in two variants: - Upper case cut so as to allow the passage of the RaspiCam's ribbon cable; - Upper case without the cut. ##Hope you enjoy printing my designs as much as I do; if so, like or post a make and, as always, happy printing!






