Prusa i3 Nema17 Extruder Motor Heatsink Clamp

Prusa i3 Nema17 Extruder Motor Heatsink Clamp


As everyone knows, the extruder motor on the Prusa i3 runs hot. I wanted to add heat sinks, but have heard of the thermal adhesive not sticking long and them falling off. This heatsink clamp adds compression to the two side heatsinks, pressing them onto the motor for possibly better thermal conductivity and reducing the chance of the adhesive failing and heatsink falling off. The sides of the clamp are angled inward, which adds some tension when installed. While this may block a trivial amount of natural convection off the heatsink, it is small enough and spaced away that I don't believe it drastically harms the positive effects of adding the heatsink. Pictured are standard 40x40mm aluminum heatsinks with thermal adhesive:



