Creatbot F430 mount for Mosaic Palette 2

Creatbot F430 mount for Mosaic Palette 2


I created this mount to allow Mosaic Manufacturing Palette 2 S Pro to hang on the side of my Creatbot F430. It replaces one of the carrying handles. It provides several holes for 2mm and 3mm teflon tubes to allow external feeding of material into the extruders. I use a Printdry so I have 3mm tubes that feed from it all the way in to the extruders. I believe this should work for all models of Palette 2. I really didn't want to risk dropping my very nice Palette from 5 feet off the ground so I printed the mount with carbon fiber reinforced PETG and have not encountered any issues with material strength during extended prints with high chamber temps. Note 1: The chamber of the Creatbot can be actively heated up to 70C so use a material that will maintain rigidity during a sustained high-temp print, or remove the Palette during such a print. Note 2: The Palette will draw heated air for cooling the splice core from the Creatbot vents if you don't cover the vents. I used HVAC foil tape to cover the vents on that side of the CreatBot. Note 3: The Creatbot is not insulated, so it generally heats the air around it even if you set a low chamber temperature of 30C as I do for PLA. You may find that you need to perform some splice tuning to accommodate the increased ambient temperature of the air around the Palette during sustained prints. Note 4: The Palette output tube positioner gets a little bit unhappy with high chamber temps. Their heavy duty velcro adheres just fine, but the positioner plate itself tends to want to come undone at those temps. My experience is that above about 40C chamber temp, remove the positioner plate from the chamber (assuming you aren't using the Palette to supply the material for said print). Otherwise, you might need to rig something up with zip ties to assist with reliable retention.



