Tiny200ka the Mini Bazooka

Tiny200ka the Mini Bazooka


Was working on some spring powered mechanisms and this idea popped into my head, a tiny action figure accessory which is also functional. I had seen a lot of popular toys in my days which if had such launching feature it was considered "Awesome". Now that I can design stuff and have it printed this was an obvious choice to make for a nostalgia trip for me. Feel free to ask in the comments if you are having some issues with the assembly. Product description: The Model T200-KA is a new line of rocket launchers designed by MOK technologies. These feature a fully enclosed tube for keeping the projectiles stable pre flight and also feature a smart integrated counterweight system that enable quick re-firing of the projectiles. It supports a wide variety of projectiles to suit the need of the moment. However the defining feature of this weapon is the trade mark "Tri-Targeting aiming and assist" feature. This feature utilizes the multi projectile support of the T200-KA to provide 3 targeting and tracking systems and methods: Laser, with the help of the laser module; T.V, with the help of the folding LCD and concealed camera; and an analog sight when using basic dumb-fire projectiles. Assembly and demo video: https://youtu.be/dH_x0sA-dMg







Toys & Games