Secret Agent (original design by Bill Hays) [redesign by JaWu]
The Secret Agent is a design by Bill Hays, a well-known shooter in slingshot community. Here the name is program. The Secret Agent is one of the EDC-capable slings due to its size. Although it is only held with the thumb, index finger and ring finger, it sits comfortably and securely in the hand. Because the middle finger area is designed as a ring, there is no need for a lanyard as a safety device. If you still want to be on the safe side, you will still find a hole made for this purpose. The original version of the Secret Agent is offered as a Wrap & Tuck version via "PocketPredator". However, since I prefer topslots as a band attachment, I have now tried to move them and get as close as possible to the original by Bill Hays. As always, have fun with it and take care of your safety like that of others.