Mansions of Madness all monster base
These are replacement bases for all currently released (2020. october 27.) monster miniatures from the boardgame Mansions of Madness first AND second edition. Since the Ancient basilisk can stand up on its own, and are not aquatic / flying / phasing / unstopable, I didn't made any base for it. The bases work perfectly with my Box Insert / Organiser (Almost like they were made for each other :D ) <a href="">Mansions of Madness all expansion insert</a> My file naming sceme: MoM2e_Core_StarSpawn_F__x2 First or second edition of the game_The name of the expansion the monster from_Monster name _Moster type: (A)quatic / (F)lying / (P)hasing / (U)nstopable_How many you need My colour coding: basic: gray aquatic: blue flying: green phasing: yellow unstopable: red but this is absolutely up to you. If you decide to print this, please share a photo of it. :)