Spring Powered Treat Launcher
This is a quickly made (and somewhat flawed) launcher I use to give my dog treats! I designed it to fit mini milkbones. You will need: Super Glue 9 x 35mm Spring (https://www.amazon.com/Accessbuy-Assortment-Compression-Extension-repairs/dp/B01KZP0WOS/) I had to trim down the backing spring mount with some side cutters. ###Assembly and operation: 1) Put the spring on the trigger mechanism, it should fit snugly. Place a small amount of superglue on the spring to attach it to the plastic. 2) Trim down the back spring mount on each side of the body. 3) Put the spring and trigger into one side of the body, then attach the other side of the body, ensuring the spring seats on the post. 4) Apply superglue to the springs to ensure they do not move during operation, and put glue on the posts before putting together permanently. Allow 10-15 minutes to completely dry. 5) Load the treat launcher, then pull back. You can hold one side back and the friction should keep it from moving too much. 6) Hold the solid part of the body and let go of the trigger! It should fire a treat 5-10 feet!