YAS! Yet another Snowman

YAS! Yet another Snowman


Yet another hollow snowman to set on top of a LED pad. Mine features a complete support free print and 70mm space at the base for 65-70mm LED-PADs like these: <p><a target="blanc" href="https://www.amazon.de/HOVNEE-Wasserdichte-Dekorationen-unterwasserlicht-fernbedienung/dp/B07WTSZCG8/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=HOVNEE&qid=1604343200&sr=8-9 ">remote controlled LED Pads ~70mm</a>.<br/> (you can probably get them cheaper at Ali Express, it is just one many possible lighting options).</p> Together it looks like this: <p><a target="blanc" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iCZHZ0K1DA">Snowman on LED-PAD</a></p> If you want to use a smaller light (e.g. 34mm LED Tealight), you can scale the snowman in your slicer to your needs. I'd recommend to scale all axis the same amount (locked scaling). On 100% Size it is about 15cm high, 10cm wide and 8cm deep. At the Base it needs 75mm space to stand on. The most usable filament for this is probably transparent (uncolored) PLA or PETG. I printed it in 0.2mm resolution. I used a wallcount of only 1 to get thin walls - so that with the transparent PLA the light would get through really good - be aware though, that this makes the snowman somewhat delicate. It is sturdy enough for a visual ornament, but you can crush it easily with one hand if you grip it hard. It's more to look at than to play with. More walls will make it more sturdy, but also more opaque.






