Small animal infinite water bowl
Printed for my ferrets to replace the terrible ball bearing waterer. This one is uses a 2liter thread type for the water source. I used the old water container/clamp which happened to have the same thread type. There are 2 different files. One with the block that I used to keep the bowl flat, and one without so you can edit it to your needs. The height of the bowl is 22mm, which is what fit between the bars on my cage. If you go and change the height make sure that your water guides are around 5mm below the lip or else water is just going to continue to flow out on its own due to surface tension. Sorry it doesn't look super pretty. My first goal was to make it work. I added a few bevels afterwards to make it look a little less sharp but honestly that was an afterthought. feel free to remix it to make it more astatic!