The Dutch Windtunnel

The Dutch Windtunnel


This is the 3D printable (Dutch) windtunnel. Better instructions will follow, but for now the main things are: - The left side of the tunnel is called "aanzuig venturi" and consits of 8 parts which can best be printed upright. - The right side of the tunnel is called "ventilator venturi" and consits of 8 parts which can also best be printed upright. - The two middle pieces are called "middenstuk 1 & 2" and the can be printed with the grid on the buildplate. - Cable management holes are everywhere so that no cable has to been seen when you are standing in front of the tunnel. - 4x 140mm fans are needed. - About 3 meter of led strip is needed (yes it also has one for underglow). Testing parts can be mounted with the m15 thread into the "model paneel". This panel can connect to the rear of the tunnel. - Smoke can be injected two ways, with the smoke injector or just from the front of the tunnel. If you go the smoke injector way you will need 2 balbearings for the other way you will need two "afdoppers". Testing video's: If you print it, please post it on reddit: would love to see the results.







3D Printing