Qidi X-Plus & X-Max Carriage BMG Extruder & Dragon or V6 Hot-End Mod-remix
I modified the top frame with an additional support for the ribbon cable since it kept dragging under the thumb screw for the extruder. I also added another hole for a zip tie and made the three holes opposite the screws to mount the extruder larger so that a M3 cap head would fit thru them making the installation easier. On the carriage I added another belt locking location to allow for replacing the belt with a non-closed loop belt. The picture shown is from before I replaced existing 17 tooth S2M pulleys with new 16 tooth GT2 pulleys and belts. I also integrated a belt tensioner on the side opposite the stepper motor. It uses a M3 x 10mm cap head screw. The belt tensioner is remixed from www.thingiverse.com/thing:1780636 and added into the carriage design. See the original thing, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3994628 for all the details necessary to use this design. Step files are included for ease of remix.