Temperature Tower - All Purpose
This is not a direct remix but a similar design to the Crua9 temperature test tower (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3347967). Crua9's design has been my favorite thus far but I wanted free reign to choose my temperatures not dictated by the STL labeling, as well as have it 6 temperatures tall instead of 5. Tests: Stringing - Tested between the square and round pillars, and the spike. Fine objects - Tested by the spike. Print quality - Tested by the overhang and curved surface area. Bridging - Short bridge is 15mm and the long bridge 30mm. Slicer configuration: The "base" piece is 2.5mm tall, print this at whatever temperature. Then, each temperature test zone progressing upward from there is 12.5mm tall. So, each desired temperature change should occur at 2.5mm, 15mm, 27.5mm, 40mm, 52.5mm, and 65mm. Since this tower is free of any STL labeling you are free to configure this tower for any material and at any temperature gradient. For PLA my usual temperatures are 230, 220, 210, 200, 190,180 (high temp. at the bottom). For PETG my usual temperatures are 250, 240, 235, 230, 225, 220 (again, high temp. at the bottom). Note that my highest temperature is 250 for PETG because I utilize a PTFE lined hotend. PLA and PETG G-code for Artillery Sidewinder X1 can be found in the thing files (.4mm nozzle). A few of you found that the gcode is something that you like, so here is the link to my cura profiles if you're interested. Leave a comment to let me know if you too find the settings helpful. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-4H-SmVsqNuv2AQBSTjZu7qFQlUclL8Y?usp=sharing Hopefully, this is your last temperature test tower because I know there are a lot of bad ones out there.