"Popper" A Nexus/Aeon Pro Rifle Grenade Spigot

"Popper" A Nexus/Aeon Pro Rifle Grenade Spigot


A simple piece to launch a Nerf Elite Missile from the barrel of your Nexus Pro! Shoots about 6 Meters (20 or so ft) level. There is a full size (50mm) and an shorter (35mm) launcher. The 35mm one is pictured and tested by me. The longer one might get a slight performance boost. Don't load a dart when you shoot a missile, and prime the blaster before putting the missile on the post to prevent vacuum loading. I have plans to make a SCAR like rifled version, as well as a mega/rival firing spigot. EDIT 5/12/21: I have been working on printable rifling for the inside of the barrel. I can't get a good balance of it being thicc enough for printing and thin enough not to interfere with the dart. I don't think printable rifling is going to work. If anyone has any thoughts please message me. I'm going to go cry in a corner and then try to use fishing line as the rifling. :(



